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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Mitchel Pyl and Brent van Bladel and Serge Demeyer},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {IWSC} 2020 (2020 IEEE 14th International
                   Workshop on Software Clones)},
  publisher =     {IEEE},
  title =         {An Empirical Study on Accidental Cross-Project Code
  year =          {2020},
  abstract =      {Software clones are considered a code smell in
                   software development. While most clones occur due to
                   developers copy - paste behaviour, some of them arise
                   accidentally as a symptom of coding idioms. If such
                   accidental clones occur across projects, then they
                   may indicate a lack of abstraction in the underlying
                   programming language or libraries. In this research,
                   we study accidental cross-project clones from the
                   perspective of missing abstraction. We discuss the
                   six cases of frequent cross-project clones, three of
                   them symptoms of missing language features (which
                   have been resolved with the release of Java 7 and
                   Java 12), and two of them symptoms of missing library
                   features (which have not yet been addressed).},
  annote =        {workshoppaper},
  doi =           {10.1109/IWSC50091.2020.9047641},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback